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At Home with Monsoon


Working from home? You’re not alone. We’ve put together some home-working inspiration, to show you how we’re making the most of our time out of the office. To do this, we spoke to our design team and found out how they are adjusting to their new workspace. From morning yoga to motivational team chats, get ready to see how Monsoon do working from home!



“My new morning ritual starts with some yoga, followed by a cup of tea before I settle into the day surrounded by plants. What keeps me inspired during working from home is my music, friends and staying close to nature, particularly walking around the little park behind our flat. Spring is just around the corner and it is wonderful to see the plants starting to bloom during this time.”



“Working from home has been making me feel quite productive, as I have no commute and have set up a quiet little corner of my house to work in. I’m doing all my sketching at my desk and all my emailing from my sofa. So far, I’ve been drinking loads of coffee and snacking A LOT. I live next to a park so I’m getting outside every afternoon and loving my new daily walk routine.”



“Welcome to my Design Cave! A jar of almonds, a water bottle, plenty of greenery and a stand is all I need! Of course, the fireplace also helps…

During my day working from home, I manage to squeeze in some workout time in the morning and when the weather allows, some lovely homemade lunches in the garden.

You find yourself with so much more time to spend doing what you love and finishing up extra work when you don’t have to face 3 hours of commuting every day!”



“It is really helping to maintain a routine that incorporates exercise and fresh air into my day. Coffee breaks in the garden are really helping me to keep a clear head and stay focused. Staying connected to the team, friends and family is also really important!”



“Start the day with time for yourself.

I’m needing a routine to help me keep motivated and focused. Hot lemon starts the day followed by some morning yoga and an early walk in the park with the doggies, their energy, the greenery and spring blossom clears my head and gives me a chance to think about the day ahead. 

Once home, a team chat with a cuppa kicks off the day – fully supported by my little assistant!”



“Taking time away from my computer and doing something creative is really helping. Getting outside to exercise before work and at lunchtime really breaks up the day and feels almost like a fresh routine!”


Plus, Some Stylish Home Comforts…

Explore our range of comfy separates, linen pieces and throw on dresses to inspire your working from home wardrobe. Here are some of our favourites!


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